Schoolpool is an app designed by me and a few of my classmates to be an inviting, free ride-share app to help high-school students in Detroit find safe and affordable transportation home from school.
The Problem
There are many high school students walking home alone due to having both parents being in workforce. On top of that, there are Issues with drugs and kidnappings in the Detroit neighborhoods. Taking the busses is not a 100% safe option either for these students.
The Solution
Schoolpool is an interactive app that allows users to carpool with drivers in surrounding areas to get to and from school and related extracurricular activities in a safe way. This will allow working parents peace of mind when their kid is commuting alone and students an easy and safe outlet for commuting.
Unique Specifications
In Schoopool, there will be screening measures to make sure users are affiliated with the school community, unlike ride-share apps like Lyft and Uber. Also, there will be interactive platforms to speak with those you are carpooling with, making sure they are reliable and safe
Allow Detroit high-school students to make connections with drivers and other students near them and have a constant reliable and safe way to get home, bringing peace of mind to parents and students alike.